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Mindful prayer for abundance

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Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

In religious sense, this is a Christian prayer while in Humanistic sense it is a prayer where you have complete faith in the eternal truth and you surrender yourself to it. If your consciousness doesn't appreciate the use of the words "Father" or "God", you can use the term, "Universe". Whether you are a Christian or a Muslim or even a Buddhist, you can regard as all messengers or enlightened beings as mere human beings who had better knowledge of the nature, spirit, healing or manifestations. The following prayer is useful when you are looking for better success in your life and are desirous of a much better financial situation.  Dear Father God, Thank you for everything. And thank you for being faithful and true to your promises (Number 23:19). I am grateful for Jesus who died for my sake. To God be the glory. Lord, I come today seeking a financial breakthrough and your supernatural blessing. I come to you because you are Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14...

Prayer for happiness and prosperity

This is a prayer for happiness and prosperity which can also be used by individuals who do not believe in a religious definition of God or Universe. It can also be used as a prayer by the believers. Playing good instrumental meditation music along with some incense or candle will make you feel all the more at peace when you recite this prayer.   As a Positive Psychology practitioner, I believe that spirituality has a direct co-relation with positive emotions of optimism, hope and love. Prayer is one of the various tools in spirituality which can help alleviate our fears and make us joyful. Here goes the prayer; Oh Dear God,   The energy source The mysterious force behind creation,   of the planet, stars and the galaxies   I pray to you    that may all of your creation   prosper with great abundance   may all my loved ones   As well as the intellectual igniters of my soul   live  with happiness and immense prosperity May I be bl...

A simple Buddhist prayer for activating our inner Buddha (Italian and English)

  As a Buddhism practitioner, I feel the power of words in different languages is so energizing. So, here is a small prayer for happiness, wisdom, health and wisdom in Italian and an English version follows the Italian one.  Possa la mia voce interiore del Buddha dentro di me guidami a manifestare i miei sogni, i miei desideri mentre prego per la felicità, per tutti quelli vivere nella miseria possano i loro sogni essere realizzati Come il mio Prego che io diventi meglio, giorno dopo giorno e sii il mio meglio e vivi una vita di felicità e abbondanza possano essere tutti sani e pieni di saggezza possano sentirsi tutti amati The pronunciation of the above prayer is available here And this is in English: May my inner voice of the Buddha inside me guide me to manifest my dreams, my desires while I pray for happiness, for all of those who live in misery may their dreams be realized Like mine I pray that I become better, day after day and be my best and live a life of happiness and...

SGI Liturgy free download (pdf) - Also for BSG Members (India)

You can download the Soka Gakkai Liturgy from this link: Dowload SGI Liturgy Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo If unable to download, please see the "about" page and email me!

Soka Gakkai Gongyo Liturgy - Both SGI and BSG (India)

In this post, I am sharing the Gongyo Liturgy, as below: How to do Gongyo   Face the Gohonzon, sound the bell and chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times. This includes appreciation for the protective functions of the Universe. Recitation of the excerpt from the “Expedient Means” chapter and the verse section of the “Life Span” chapter of the Lotus Sutra and chanting nam-myoho renge kyo   Recite the excerpt from the “Expedient Means” chapter. When finished, sound the bell. Recite the verse section of the “Life Span” chapter. When finished, sound the bell (as you begin chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) To conclude the chanting of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, sound the bell and chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo three times Then offer the silent prayers given at the end of the liturgy. Excerpt from the “Expedient Means” Chapter:   Myo ho ren ge kyo. Hoben-pon.   Dai ni. Niji seson.   Ju sanmai.   Anjo ni ki.Go shari-hotsu.   Sho-but chi-e. Jinji...